We Are The First Company In India To Launch To No Loss Commodity Trading Strategy And Providing Best Knowledge Of Stock Market
Price 7999/-
Theory for : Only for Crudeoil
Base : This theory is indicator based
Risk and Reward ratio :from 1 : 0.7 to 1 : 3 and above
Profit or point : There profit counts on points and minimum 10 points and above ( minimum 1k daily)
Signals : Up to 2 signals daily and secure
Support : lifetime live support with new changes
Other Advantages : lifetime you are in my whatsapp broadcast group and unique tips for crude
Price 8,999/-
Theory for : Base metal exm.- Lead, zinc, Aluminium, Natural gas,etc.
Base : Indicator base theory and highly profitable
Risk and Reward ratio : risk reward ratio is 2 : 1 but accuracy is more than 95% to 97%
Profit or point : mini lot is minimum 500 and mega lot is minimum 1k and more.
Signals : each script 2 signals daily total 6 to 8 signals and target hit in 4 to 6 signals definitely.
Support : yes, full support about theory.
Other Advantages : you gate one theory for 4 scrips and accuracy is higher then any other base metal theory .
Commodity Intraday Multi User Techniques
Price 9,999/-
Theory for : this theory us in all commodity, for exp. Crude, Zinc, Lead, Copper, Nickel, Aluminium, Natural gas.
Base : This is 33% price action and 33% candles breakout and 33% indicator base theory
Risk and Reward ratio :Risk and reward ratio – Risk and reward ratio is 1 : 2 and 2 : 1
Profit or point : Depend upon each script but you gate average profit.
Signals : you gate 3 to 5 signal in all over scripts not in each
Support :Yes, any time
Other Advantages : this is multi user technique when you understand this technique than you can use in stocks and currency
Price – 19,999/-
Theory for : Only for Crudeoil
Base : price action based theory
Risk and Reward ratio : there are no risk reward ratio that is depend upon your trading timing .
Profit or point : there are minimum risk and maximum reward. Surely profitable theory ,this is price action so we cant count actual points but profit is minimum 1k and maximum & Unlimited. You got a easy 1% to 5% amount in a day and end of month minimum 60% to 80% returns you easy taken.
Signals : Any time entry because of price action.
Support : Yes life time support with new changes.
Advantages : You gate our ADVANCE PRB METHOD ( price 3,999/- ) totally free with new updates.
Who can buy this theory : only full time trader can buy or trade in this theory.
Price 3,999/-
Theory for : This theory specialy for equity stock.
Base : This is price action + breakout strategy.
Risk and Reward ratio : Risk and reward ratio is depend on trader. But we are trade 1 : 1.
Profit or point : depend upon trader. We trade for 0.5% to 1% in any script.
Signals : – there are no signal we find a PRB breakout and that is our signal.
Support : yes, I am everyday guide you for trading.
Other Advantages : you are member of my broadcast group. And you got a tips for investment stocks , each month 1 scrip.